14th March 2025
Standard Lesotho Bank offers clients M11 million in cashback rewards
Standard Lesotho Bank offers clients M11 million in cashback rewards
14th March 2025


Standard Lesotho Bank launches groundbreaking M11 million cashback rewards for loyal customers footer


What Do You Value? – By Dr Ted Msipa

Standard Lesotho Bank launches groundbreaking M11 million cashback rewards for loyal customers footer
Standard Lesotho Bank launches groundbreaking M11 million cashback rewards for loyal customers footer
The next level of communication: Unlocking the soaring power of effective dialogue - By Dr Ted Msipa

A Sad Old Story

In the late 70s I witnessed my neighbor and his best friend engage in a brutal brawl of death. They fought with bare knuckles and booted feet. They fought with bitter words and malicious tongues. As a fan of the late Bruce Lee, I enjoyed myself as I saw them do some amazing Kung-Fu moves. The Drunken Master, The Thundering Mantis and The Dance of Death were all exhibited. What was a pleasure filled fight for my young excited mind became the last journey these two warriors turned enemies ever took. They lost a lot of blood and their consciousness. The ambulance eventually showed up, but it was way too late as neither man made it alive to the hospital. I later learnt that the friends had become enemies because loyalty had been breached. Someone had violated it and bloodshed became the consequence. Values are so critical in defining who we become and what we stand for.

Unpacking the Values

Values is more of a buzzword these days. Companies even have their precious values displayed on all the strategic points in the organisation, including the bathroom door. Some people who are extroverted are also very liberal in pronouncing what they stand for. But the question is what values are? I believe that values are non-negotiable behaviours and attitudes which you consider a true benchmark of your heart beat. Others believe that values and attitudes are similar to beliefs in that they have emotional and behavioural components. However, the Fundi’s or established Researchers believe that values have endurance and longevity because they stand the test of time. Values are fundamental drivers of our behavior and responses in any given situation.

Values Simplify Our Choices

Values are the cornerstone upon which we should be able to build our vision thereby creating a visible main north which separates us from others. Values are so important to those who know their worth to the extent that they do not even apply for certain jobs even if they are qualified to do them. They detest the value misalignment and are willing to remain where they are paid less but there is value compatibility. Operating in an environment where your values are violated or disregarded is actually psychological enslavement. This explains why employees are willing to let go high paying positions due to the moral bankruptcy they endure in such organizations. Values at the workplace are usually espoused in leaders. Hence the saying that people do not leave work but they leave the people (leaders).

Maximising the Moment

The purpose of leadership is responsibility. A leader becomes significant on the basis of the problems they solve. All the effective leaders understand that momentum is a leader’s best friend. Once a leader shares a concept and sees it moving in the right direction, he yearns to maximise its impact. If this happens continually that leader will achieve amazing results. This is why I believe that values are best taught in the early life of a child. Experts agree that the assimilation capacity of a young child is amazing. Research shows that children from the age of six to eleven, and at times up to fifteen are capable of learning as much as twenty five languages. Sadly this ability declines as they enter adulthood. This same age is also crucial in parents drilling values into these young lives. Maybe this explains why the bible says, ‘Train up a child in the way he should go, and he will not depart it even when he grows.’  Even babies need to be trained values such as patience and gratitude. That is why mothers should not jump every time a child cries, this trains the little folks manipulation. At times allow them to cry until they keep quiet, but remember the rule of moderation in all you do.

It’s Never Late to Start

The good thing about life is that it is never too late to start. You do not have to be perfect to start working on values. Start where you are and strive for perfection. I am glad I fellowship in a church where we teach values. These values are taught to both the young and the old. I love the way young people catch up these values with purity of heart and thought. They embrace them and run with them because their database is very receptive. This is a bit different with old people, they are usually resistant to change, when you teach them life transforming truths they can accuse you of manipulation and being controlling. However, as a Master Mentor, I speak for many in saying the joy of every mentor is personal transformation of their mentees.

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Maximising your effectiveness – By Dr Ted Msipa

Values Create Systems of Accountability

The difference between a successful person and a failure is teachability. The failure claims to know it all but his results contradict his speeches. In contrast the successful person has an amazing level of humility.  The successful person is very receptive to new information and tries it out. He is very teachable and is hungry for the next level. I am glad my daughter has mastered the value of purity and is set to be married a virgin. We taught her that God expects purity of body and she has been running with the value for close to twenty years. Her wedding is due in a couple of months. Values made her accountable on her way to victory.


No matter the matter never look down, continue looking up to Jesus Christ, the Ultimate leader and Divine Enabler to empower you. Wise people choose and follow Him. When you follow Him, people follow you. Rise and shine as you show us your Godly values. The next generation is counting on you.

What Do You Value? – By Dr Ted Msipa

Dr Ted Msipa is Pastor, Author, Visionary and Public Speaker based in Maseru, Lesotho. He writes here in his personal capacity and view shared here do not necessarily reflect those of Africa News 24. He solves organisational development challenges and leadership challenges. Dr Ted can be reached on Coachted117@gmail.com or on +266 63177309.

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Standard Lesotho Bank launches groundbreaking M11 million cashback rewards for loyal customers footer


Standard Lesotho Bank launches groundbreaking M11 million cashback rewards for loyal customers footer
